Car Accidents

Drunk Driving During the Holidays

It's no secret that there are more drunk drivings accidents during the holidays. Find out how to avoid drunk drivers and what to do if you can't!

drunk driving during the holidays
4 min read
What are your plans for this holiday season?

If you're like most, they probably involve visiting family or friends, sometimes on the other side of the country. The holidays are the busiest time of year for our nation's roadways, which means higher traffic, tougher gridlock, and sadly, more accidents. Couple that with the slippery weather conditions of winter and the increased rate of drunk and impaired driving the holiday season brings, and it's no wonder the drunk driving accident rate spikes during the last few months of the year.

If you're planning on driving to a party or out of state this Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year's, there are a number of ways you can keep yourself safe on the roads and highways. Here, we'll detail a few of them to help you have a happy and healthy holiday season.

Before You Go Out, Plan Ahead

Before you head out to a party with friends or a family gathering, decide who will be the designated driver: someone who makes a commitment to 100% sobriety for the evening, in order to keep everyone in your party safe.

In addition, plan out your route and make sure you have all the information in your car that you'll need in case you are involved in an accident: proof of registration, insurance, and your designated driver's license.


What to Do If You See a Drunk Driver
If you see someone else on the road who appears drunk or drug-impaired, call local law enforcement as soon as it's safe to do so. The period between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day sees a spike in drunk and impaired driving, which is illegal in all fifty states, so be on the lookout for other drivers who might've had too much.

By contacting law enforcement, you'll be doing your part to keep everyone safe. You could even save the driver's life, the lives of their passengers, or those of someone else on the highway, by taking the drunk driver off the road.

What if I've Had Too Much to Drink?

If it's time to get going and you've had a bit too much, whatever you do, don't drive. Even if you're the designated driver, it's not worth putting yourself and your friends or family at risk just to save face. Try to find someone else who can give you a ride home, or call a taxi or rideshare service. Spending a little extra money is well worth your safety and life.

If you see someone else who's had too much to drink, don't let them drive. Take away their keys and help them make arrangements to get home safely. That'll be the greatest gift you can give them for the holidays.

What to Do if You're Involved in an Accident with an Impaired Driver

Drunk driving arrests, crashes, and fatalities spike during the period between Thanksgiving and New Year's. If you've been involved in a crash with an impaired driver, make sure to inform the officer at the scene of that fact. Make sure to get a copy of the crash report, and call an experienced car accident lawyer to assist you in litigating your injury claim.

The experienced car accident attorneys at Sloan Firm have years of experience in helping people get the compensation they're due from drunk and impaired driver crashes. Why choose us? Well, we're personally committed to your case and will fight for your interests in court. What's more, we won't ask for a fee unless we win your case – so you can rest assured we'll do everything we can to help you heal.

Our case results speak for themselves, but you can also see what our clients have to say about our firm!

Contact the Car Wreck Lawyers at The Sloan Firm

If you've been involved in a crash with a drunk or impaired driver in Texas, have a car accident injury, or need help with your car accident claim, give us a call or schedule a free consultation online with us today. You deserve financial compensation for any medical bills, pain and suffering, property damage, and lost wages that are a result of an accident with someone who decided to drink and drive.

Don't let the insurance companies entice you with their settlement offers; let our legal team at The Sloan Firm fight for you! Give us a call, stop by one of our law offices in Texas or New Mexico, or request a FREE lawyer consultation online today!

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